Today we went to Jing Shan park. We left the campus placey at 9 and got to the park at around half 9 sort of thing. We split up into various little groups and explored the park. It was an interesting place. There was the whole Chinese dancing and singing thing going on which was cool. But then they started dancing to the Spice Girls and I slowly realised that I was singing along and we moved swiftly on. But anyway it was a smart place. Ruth, Laura and myself climbed up these fancy step things which looked really pretty all the way nearly to the top of this hill thing, we couldn’t get to the top as there was yet more building works at the top for the Olympics thing, nevertheless it was a really amazing view despite all the smog! So then we clambered all the way back down again and walked around the hill we had just sort of climbed up watching all the singers and dancers and all that. Some of the other girls bought these Chinese football things which are basically just feathers on the end of some metal rings which you kick or in my case attempt to kick. But that was all good fun. After that we had lunch at this nice restaurant. They piled the food onto our table, I swear it was a never ending supply of food. Our table seemed to eat the most again. We gobbled up lunch and moved onto the LamaTemple. It was crazy! There was these giant Buddhas everywhere. Some of them were really scary I must admit. We saw one which was 18 metres tall with another 8 metres underground and it’s made entirely out of 1 piece of wood. Pretty smart if you ask me! Anyway there was these tonnes of temples with giant Buddhas and weird animal things with thousands of arms and everything look really fancy and rich. It was soooooo hot though, really humid and sticky. But we survived! So at 3 we popped back on the air conditioned bus and headed home. Jeff got emotional and started singing Chinese power ballads through the microphone which amused us! We’re trying to leave spaces in out suitcases so we can take him home. Anyway, it was a smashing day. We all had good fun but now we only have 1 more day left… I don’t want to come home!! See you very very soon folks…
All my love, lynsey xxx
Sounds in the park
I'm sitting in your bedroom at this very moment, enjoyed the photos of China, sorry I missed you, hope you had a good birthday!
Your dad would like to know a bit more about Stone!
Love from Ellen xxx
Posted by: Ellen | July 30, 2006 at 01:21 PM
have loved all the info from you! thank you all for giving us a taste of your trip it was really appreciated! ruth can you stay another day or two as the folk we let your room to love it so much!!
Posted by: Lilian and Mike | July 30, 2006 at 04:41 PM