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Seonaid McLaren

Ni hau ma from the chemistry dept. My problem at the Beijing Opera was that we flew in on Tuesday, did Tienamin Square, the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace on Wednesday in 33 degrees plus then drove in the coach for an hour to get to dinner and the Opera. When I wasn't giggling at the translation, I was in danger of nodding off and was terrified I would start to snore - several mambers of our party did sleep through the performance! Seriously though I think there is a real market you girls could get into, as I was astonished at some of the mistranslations and typos on signs - there was even one carved into a beautiful sculpture at the Three Gorges Dam on the Yanzi and we found the sign to end all signs in a service station on the Expressway between Luo Yang and Zhenzhou but I didn't have my camera with me. I plan to put my photos in an album if you would like to see some of my trip round the rest of China.
PS Your panda looks cleaner that our one - In Beijing we stayed in a hotel right opposite the zoo, but our panda visit was in Chonquing Zoo at the end of the Yangzi cruise - a city with a population of 30 million and five pandas!!

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