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Yh well done guys! lol
Dis is gd!

ashleigh rae

ours ws funny but it could have done with a bit more musik.

Ashleigh Rae

Cool radio show, could have done with a bit more planning. But very clear speakers. :D

i think this site is grweat but i think tht i sound a bit off nd im not very load!!!!
but owell losers cant be chewsers
ok so i dnt no wat tht means but my hearts in th right place

i think this site is great but i cnt figuer alot of it out!!!!!!!


ours was ok but i never heard it all cause the server kept on disconnecting

craig knight

I think that all the shows had good vocabulary and pronnunciation. For critism i think confience would improve the quallity of some people's german.


the sound is good but the music should have gone through the whole thing

oh yeah shwing!


i thoght they wer all ace some wer very funny some groups could hav spoken loudr


I think that they were all really good.
but u need to get some good beats lolz


Ours was ok but we could of sounded abit happier about it but some of them were funny...


this is for homewok, O.K. shows

Rowan Garrett

Haha they were funny X


like da site finally herd my radio show on my aunts computa!

from alannah


like da site finally herd my radio show on my aunts computa!

from alannah

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January 2010

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Cluster Map

  • Look who's vivited us

Tons of online exercises in French

Joe Dale's MFL Blog

French characters

Le Record du monde

  • Les teneurs du record
    Le quatre mai etait non seulement la journee des guerres des etoiles (May the fourth be with you!!!!!!!!!!!!) mais nous avons aussi battu le record du monde pour planter le plus d'arbrea dans une heure. Plus de 18,000 arbres dans 40 minutes. on aurait pu planter d'avantage mais il ne restait plus de terrain.

Cultural Xtra 2006

  • Mc in da house
    These photos were taken during a day of culturally themed events which took plce in our school on Monday 12th june 2006. The event was organised by Adam Sutcliffe, a languages teacher at the school, and featured tutors from Multiethnic Aberdeen Ltd. MeAL exists to help schools and other organisations promote awareness of the different cultures which exist in Aberdeen City and Shire. Students took part in Thai and African dance, African Cookery and rap writing and hip hop dance and as can be seen from the photos they thouroughly enjoyed it.

S3 Geography Field Trip to Cullen

  • Tank_traps
    This selection of photos was taken on the S3 Geography field trip to Cullen. We walked from Portknockie to Cullen identifying all the Geographical points of interest. Once in Cullen we identified the points of interest in the harbour, and carried out a topological survey of the area surounding the square. Then we had ice cream...nice!
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